Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Chanukah Interview

"Chanukah was a time with my family (of origin) that was very beautiful.  
When you grow up in a Torah family (where incest occurred) people have said to me, your family wasn't really frum, (Orthodox) they weren't really talmidai chachamim, and they actually were in many ways...But they were split off from parts of themselves that they didn't or couldn't deal with.  I have beautiful memories of my family just as I have horrific and traumatic ones.  It has been very hard to sit with both of those realities and embrace both parts of my heritage...The spiritual destruction...The Chashmonaim had to go into the Bais Hamikdash (the temple) and witness all that destruction to the holiest place on earth.  That's what it will take for certain segments of our community who are not yet ready to go in there and clean it up.  For the Chashmonaim it must have been heartbreaking to see what was done to the Bais Hamisdash and find one little (flask) one spot of hope in the midst of all the violation of kedusha (holiness).
That is what we have to do as a community.  When you are sexually abused your kodesh kadoshim  is violated and you have to go inside and clean it up.  You have to be able to face and sit with horrible, horrible, pain.  Not everyone can do that..."

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

It Was an Honor to Speak in Florida Last Month at Anshai Emunah

https://www.sun-sentinel.com/florida-jewish-journal/palm/fl-jj-delray-beach-power-heal-genendy-radoff-20191127-20191121-66wbsoswhza7zj2qmcwszy2yfu-story.html L

From left, Rabbi Jack Engel, Genendy Radoff and Danielle Hartman during the "Harnessing the Power to Heal" event at Anshei Emuna Congregation in Delray Beach.
From left, Rabbi Jack Engel, Genendy Radoff and Danielle Hartman during the "Harnessing the Power to Heal" event at Anshei Emuna Congregation in Delray Beach. (Jeremy Lurie/Courtesy)
The topic of childhood sexual abuse was recently discussed by an Orthodox Jew and incest survivor herself, Genendy Radoff, at Anshei Emuna Congregation in Delray Beach.
Anshei Emuna, a Modern Orthodox congregation in Delray Beach, presented “Harnessing the Power to Heal,” in partnership with Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services.